April 2024 Update
Important update from Jenny:
I have recently sold my portion of the practice to Dr Trinh Wright. Trinh joins Hollie and Nicola as a partner of Upper Harbour Medical Centre. We are proud to continue to be a GP owned practice. Trinh is well known to Dr Hollie Shine & Dr Phil Barter & she has been working with us for the last six months. I am happy to warmly recommend her to you. She is a very experienced GP who is a delight & who we are privileged to have join us. Although I step back from management & being a partner in the practice I have been invited to stay on as a Locum relieving for all the Drs in the Practice. Any patient under my care will now have Trinh as their Dr but no doubt you will see me around for some time to come.
32 years ….. has it been that long? Yes it really has!! After 32 years so much has changed. We started as a small two Dr Practice that has grown to become a dependable community asset which will continue for a long time to come, now a four Dr Practice with its own Locum. Over this time we have aimed to keep the small medical centre feel & will strive to continue to be your traditional local family doctor service.
Medical practice for me is about personal relationship & quality care. Trust & quality care matter….. I mean REALLY matter to me & I’m sure matter to you. I know Upper Harbour will continue to hold these values.
“Compassion for the suffering of others is the only true foundation upon which health care can be built. Where powerful commercial interests have overtaken common sense & an ethos of care, quality healthcare cannot flourish “
I have known many of you for 20-30 years. From my days of Obstetrics delivering 500 of you into the community through to caring for the terminally ill, my days in General Practice have been privileged & rich in experience & will continue to be. Thank you for your trust. It’s a joy to continue to serve you in my new capacity. I will see you less over time & Trinh will see you more with time. The change will be gradual which I hope will help us all.
My Medical Colleagues are an absolute joy to walk along side. We never stop learning from each other. We press each other to continually improve & maintain the highest level of up to date medical standards. They encourage me, amuse me, laugh with me, story alongside me & put up with me. Thank you.
I cannot speak more highly of our nursing staff at UHMC. Professional to the core they practice independent of us most of the time. We are a tight team. They make life/death decisions on the phone most days & I am certain some of you reading this today owe their lives to them. I have the utmost respect for them. Thank you.
Receptionists make the world go round or so it seems to me. We could not function without you. There may be little praise comes your way but you make all the difference in my day, in the day of patients & of other staff. That smile in your voice, your patience, initiative & care oil the machine that is UHMC.
Any extra free time …..’free time ‘…….. what is that???? ………
……will see me playing a little more …….sailing my small trimaran, kayaking, cycling & camping.
Thank You. Jenny